Long-Term Plan for Smethwick
Smethwick is set to receive £20 million over the next 10 years to fund the priorities of local people. To shape the Plan for Smethwick, communities were invited to share their views through our survey between April and July, ready to send to Government by 1 August 2024. This first stage of community engagement has completed and the survey is now closed.
We thank everyone who contributed.
The new Government postponed the submission of all Long-Term Plans across the country, and we currently await further information. Future updates will be available on Sandwell’s Regenerating Sandwell website.
Future Engagement
We are planning more engagement activities across Smethwick later this year to hear from local people how the £20m funding can help improve Safety & Security; Heritage, High Streets and Regeneration; and Transport & Connectivity. If you would like to take part email town_deal@sandwell.gov.uk and you will be added to our mailing list.
Who are we?
A Smethwick Partnership Board has been established to oversee the Smethwick Town Deal (Government Towns Fund Programme) and the Smethwick Long Term Plan (Government Long Term Plan for Towns Programme).
The Board includes a wide range of representatives from community, business, voluntary, public-sector and faith organisations as well as local councillors, the MP, and the Police & Crime Commissioner.

What is a
Long-Term Plan?
The purpose of a Long-Term Plan is to improve local towns across England over the next decade. Smethwick will receive additional funding of up to £20 million.
The Long Term Plan for Smethwick will identify the priorities for the town and ensure that these reflect the views of you, the local community. It will cover the wards of Abbey, Soho & Victoria, St Pauls and Smethwick.
Get Involved
We want your ideas to shape the Long-Term Plan for Smethwick and ensure it has a vision that reflects the ambitions of those who call Smethwick home.
Helpfully, Government Guidance for Long-Term Plans includes a lot of ideas for how the funding can be used to help improve towns such as Smethwick.
Ideas for improving Smethwick must fit within the following funding themes:

Feeling safe in Smethwick
Funding to help reduce crime and improve safety in the local area.

Our streets, buildings and places
Funding to help improve the physical environment in Smethwick and support local organisations and community projects.

Getting around Smethwick and travelling to other areas
Funding for local transport initiatives and connections.
Community Survey
Thank you for your feedback this consultation is now closed.
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